Nigerian Praise

Here are the lyrics. Clap your hands and sing along… WORSHIP… That's what we were created for!

Ekwueme…. by Prospa Ochimana feat. Osinachi Nwachukwu

Posted on | March 12, 2019 | No Comments

Here’s one of the most powerful worship songs ever both in the lyrics and in the delivery. You’ll never be the same if you worship from your heart as you sing along to this!!!

Onye Nwe anyi ezitewo                          (Our God who sent)

Ndi Mmoziya ka ha nonyere anyi       (His angels to come minister to us)

You are the Living God O!
Eze (King), no one like You

Ekwueme! Ekwueme!      (The One who says and does)

Ekwueme! Ekwueme!             (The One who says and does)

You are the living God o!


EEe NaNa Na Na Na …

You are the living God o Eze (King), no one like you

EEe NaNa Na Na Na

Eze (King), no one like you

You’re my Healer, You are my Keeper
My Restorer, My Life-giver
You are the living God o!
Eze (King), no one like You

No one can do me like You do
No one can touch me like You do, God! Hey!
You are the living God o!
Eze (King), no one like You

You picked me from the miry clay; set my feet on the rock to stay
You are my Promoter; You are my Defender
You are the Living God o!
Eze (King), no one like you

Okechi e nnukwu chi                             (Oh Great God, Mighty  God)

Okechi e nnukwu chi                                       (Oh Great God, massive God)

Nani gi bu ome okachie                   (It’ Only You who has  the final say)

Nani ihe ikwuru bu ihe ina eme   It’s only what You say that comes to pass)

Omo okachie nnukwu chi                              (Final say, massive God)

Amama amasi amasi                                       (All Wise God)

Olori ihe loro che loro enti       (He swallows what swallows an elephant)

Agu bata Ohia Mgbada awara Oso
(The tiger that appears and makes the antelope flee)

Ekwueme so gi bu Ekwueme
(The One that says and does, You are the One who says and does it)

Ihe ikwuru bu ihe ina eme                            (What You say is what You do)

Ihe ikara bu ihe ina eme                                (You do what you say)

Obu onye n’ekwu ma chim kwuchasia?
(Who can say it when my God has not said it?)

Obu Onye N’aturu chim uka chukwu?      (Who tells you God what to do?)

Inweghi mgbanwe chukwu ebighebi e (Forever and ever you changeth not)

Inweghi onyiri amama amasi amasi
(You have no comparison, The All-wise God)

Ebube dike, Okechi, Ekwueme 
(Glorious in Power, Great God, The one who says and does)

Ihe ikwu k’ina eme                                          (What you say is what You do)

Oloro Ihe loro ihe loro                         (He who swallows what swallows)

Enyi kpuru odumu n’one
(The elephant and the lion, he keeps in his mouth)

Oke nmanwu n’eta Onwe ya        (Great masquerade that guides Himself)

Ogbara nkiti Okwu biri n’ onu ya                (In His Silence, he still has the final say)

Echeta obi esie ike   (The One you think about who gives you confidence)

Gaga n’ ogwu                             (He who walks on thrones confidently)

Amama amasi amasi                                   (The All Wise God)

Oje n’ nmuo, Oje na madu chukwu Oma
(The one who travels in the Spirit and in the physical – Good God)

Obata ulo adinma                  (He comes to a home everyone rejoices)

Ebube dike, (4x)                       (Glorious in Power, Glorious in Power x2)

Ekwueme!  (6x)                                                 (The one who says and does)

Chi jury éluigwe we ju Uwa nile  (God who fills the heavens and the earth)

Ekwueme ihe ikwuru ka ina eme                (What You say is what You do)

Ekwueme nani gi bu ekwueme                  (He that says and does, only you say and do)

Ikuku aman’onya chi obioma    (The wind that cannot be trapped)

Ekwueme ememue Ogara ngada nga    (The One who says and does, the wealthiest)

Obata ulo adi uma,        (The one who comes to a home bringing joy)

Chukwu onye olu ebube           (God that does glorious things)

Ekwueme ihe ikwuru ka’ina eme   
(The one that says and does, what You say is what You do)

Obu onye n’aturu gi uka chukwu oma?
(Who tells you what to do, my God?)

Obudi Onye n’ekwu ma ikwuchasi chukwu ebighebi

(Who can say anything when you are done talking? Everlasting God)

Nani gi bu ekwueme,                                     (The only One that says and does)

Ihe ikara bu ihe ina eme o!        (You are the One that says and does it)

Ekwueme ibu ekwueme                                (The one who says and does)

Oke nmiri nke n’ebu ogwe!                         (The flood that carries the bridge)

Ebighebi eligwe!,                                              (You are Heaven Forever)

Oke nmanwu n’eti onwe ya obata ulo adimma  
(The masquerade that dresses Himself)

Chukwu O (5X)                                                  (O GOD)

Ekwueme imedawomu obi        
(God! You have consoled my heart)

Chukwu oma                                                      (Good God)

Oletara onye emejoro chukwu oma         ( The one that consoles the offended)

Ekwueme, chi n’echere mu so gi bu ekwueme o
(The one who says and does, the one who thinks of me)

Ekwuemem mu mmm Ekwueme               (The One who says and does)

See What you’ve done for me
See how you set me free
You are the Living God O!
Eze (My King), no one like You

See What you’ve done for me
See how you delivered me
You are the Living God O!
Eze (My King), no one like You


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